Incoatec Microfocus Source IµS
Entity attached to:
Platform Crystallography platform
Type of entity Equipment
Main activity It consists of a microfocus sealed tube with high brilliance and a high-performance 2D focussing or collimating Quazar multilayer mirror. IµS gives you a performance beyond traditional 5 kW rotating anode sources, with the ease of handling of sealed tube systems.
Keywords X-ray, Diffraction
Labels Biogenouest
Recognised French National Research Infrastructure (IR)

For details of the service, see the related platform or infrastructure
Owned/operated by
Website Roscoff Marine Station
Location and contact
Send an e-mail
Adress Place Georges Teissier
Address line 2 Station biologique de Roscoff - Plateforme cristallographie
Zip code/Postcode 29680
Town/city ROSCOFF
For details of the service, see the related platform or infrastructure
Category Land-based tests and test sites for engineering and ocean observation
Analyses, measurements and metrology
Scientific disciplines Marine biochemistry / Marine biogeochemistry / Marine chemistry
Molecular biology / Cellular biology
Marine biology
Strategic areas of action Marine biological resources
Examples of work
URL works
Owned/operated by
Website Roscoff Marine Station
The Roscoff Marine Station is a research and teaching centre for marine biology and ecology. It depends on the CNRS and Sorbonne University.
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