Receiving hydrophone
Entity attached to:
Platform Underwater Acoustic Transmission (TASM)
Type of entity Equipment
Main activity Make/model: B&K 8104

For details of the service, see the related platform or infrastructure
Owned/operated by
Website Plug in labs Ouest Laboratoire de sciences et techniques de l'information, de la communication et de la connaissance (Lab-STICC)
Website IMT ATLANTIQUE - Brest
Communications (COM)
Location and contact
Send an e-mail
Adress Technopôle Brest-Iroise
Address line 2 CS 83818
Zip code/Postcode 29238
Town/city BREST
For details of the service, see the related platform or infrastructure
Category Land-based tests and test sites for engineering and ocean observation
Analyses, measurements and metrology
Scientific disciplines Pollution
Strategic areas of action Marine energy and mining resources
Environmental and coastal planning and development
Marine biological resources
Maritime safety and security
Maritime ports, infrastructure and transport
Shipbuilding and leisure boatbuilding
Examples of work
URL works
Owned/operated by
Website Laboratoire de sciences et techniques de l'information, de la communication et de la connaissance (Lab-STICC)
Website IMT ATLANTIQUE - Brest
IMT Atlantique is an institute of higher education and research, born through the fusion of École des Mines Nantes and Telecom Bretagne in January 2017. Research and innovation constitute one of the school's primary missions in its fields of excellence which are digital technology, and energy and environment. The institute is authorised to deliver the PhD diploma, within the Community of Universities and Institutions, University of Bretagne Loire (Comue UBL).
Communications (COM)
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