Art Robbins Crystal Gryphon Crystallization Robot
Entity attached to:
Platform Crystallography platform
Type of entity Equipment
Main activity The Crystal Gryphon is a small, fast and affordable option for setting up all of your crystal plates. The 96-channel positive displacement head quickly fills screen reservoirs and protein wells. The head has no disposable tips, so the cost of operation and environmental waste is minimized. The 1-channel non-contact dispenser quickly aspirates and dispenses your proteins allowing your plate to be sealed without evaporation being a problem. This dispense head is designed specifically to handle proteins, features flow-through washing and positive displacement aspiration, to handle all of your proteins.
Keywords Crystallization, Automatic, Nano-volume, Protein
Labels Biogenouest
Recognised French National Research Infrastructure (IR)

For details of the service, see the related platform or infrastructure
Owned/operated by
Website Roscoff Marine Station
Location and contact
Send an e-mail
Adress Place Georges Teissier
Address line 2 Station biologique de Roscoff - Plateforme cristallographie
Zip code/Postcode 29680
Town/city ROSCOFF
For details of the service, see the related platform or infrastructure
Category Land-based tests and test sites for engineering and ocean observation
Analyses, measurements and metrology
Scientific disciplines Marine biochemistry / Marine biogeochemistry / Marine chemistry
Molecular biology / Cellular biology
Marine biology
Strategic areas of action Marine biological resources
Examples of work Naretto A, Fanuel M, Ropartz D, Rogniaux H, Larocque R, Czjzek M, Tellier C, Michel G. The agar-specific hydrolase ZgAgaC from the marine bacterium Zobellia galactanivorans defines a new GH16 protein subfamily. J Biol Chem. 2019.
URL works
Owned/operated by
Website Roscoff Marine Station
The Roscoff Marine Station is a research and teaching centre for marine biology and ecology. It depends on the CNRS and Sorbonne University.
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