Ulhysses - bathymetric chart production software
Type of entity Equipment
Main activity ULHYSSES is a simple and precise tool which allows creating automatic bathymetric charts from multi-beam survey. ULHYSSES is aimed at pilotage services teams as well as harbour and river hydrographic services. Furthermore, incorporated onboard a hydrographic boat, an oceanographic boat or a submarine, it enables the production of standardized bathymetric charts in almost real-time.
Keywords Bathymetric chart, Bathymetry, Data processing
Labels Crédit d'Impôt Innovation (CII)
Agrément Crédit d'impôt recherche (CIR)

Bathymetric chart production
Owned/operated by
Location and contact
Send an e-mail
Adress 41 Rue du Château
Address line 2 Immeuble Galaxie
Zip code/Postcode 29200
Town/city BREST
Bathymetric chart production
Concerned publics Companies
Research partners
Other researchers
Terms of access Research collaboration access
Full service access
Movable ? yes no
Description Manual or automatic production of s57 bathymetrical chart
Certification, standardization, calibration
Category Software
Scientific disciplines Marine Engineering
Marine geomatics / Habitat mapping
Strategic areas of action Marine energy and mining resources
Environmental and coastal planning and development
Marine biological resources
Maritime safety and security
Maritime ports, infrastructure and transport
Shipbuilding and leisure boatbuilding
Examples of work
URL works http://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6461476591011655680
Owned/operated by
Geomod is a software developer and distributor for terrestrial and marine geomatics. We are also distributor of software in the field of water modelling.

All these software are essentially scientific applications with high added value. In particular, we collaborate with the CSTB for the last fifteen years on the development of the MithraSUITE software suite.

Since the creation of the company, we work with Innovyze (formerly Wallingford Software) in the field of water modelling, being the official French distributor.

Since 1999, we collaborate with Cadcorp in the geomatic sector, being ?Cadcorp Partner? and their french distributor.

Since 2008, we are also PRIMAR distributor for all Electronic Navigation Charts.

We also provide services (specific developments, training and support) in these different fields of geomatics and hydro.
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